In this section we will learn, how to build and program the robot. Choose the chapter of your interest:
![The Blue Seal Robot from the profile with camera turned on. start_screen](robot/img/20150615_204154.jpg)
![The Blue Seal Robot with the camera turned on(indicated by red light). start_screen](robot/img/20150615_204142.jpg)
![The Blue Seal Robot illuminates its way. start_screen](robot/img/20150615_204101.jpg)
![The poor Blue Seal Robot turned on its back in order to reveal its secrets. start_screen](robot/img/20150615_204318.jpg)
Blue Seal Project created by Jiří Daněk (2013-2016)
Was not what the two Rossums dreamed of. Old Rossum only thought of his God-less tricks and the young one of his millards. And thats not what your R.U.R. shareholders dream of either. They dream of dividends, and their dividends are the ruin of mankind.
- Karel Čapek, R.U.R.: Rossum's Universal Robots
In this section we will learn, how to build and program the robot. Choose the chapter of your interest:
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